Ethical Sourcing

Fair Stone is the international Social Standard for natural stone imports from developing and emerging markets. Natural stone importers - the Fair Stone Partners implement certain criteria within their supply chain and therefore actively improve the working conditions in stone processing factories and quarries.

Customers - municipalities and private consumers - are able to contribute to the improvements in working conditions in China, Vietnam and India by buying Fair Stone natural stone products such as cobblestones, kerbs or slabs. Existing since 2008, Fair Stone is a non profit organisation and Fair Stone Partners are committed European natural stone importers that improve the working conditions in their supply chains in accordance with the Fair Stone Standard. Fair Stone Association is not involved commercially in the trade of natural stones itself.

The Fair Stone logo proves that the products are produced

  • in compliance with ILO-Core Labor Conventions (e.g. without child or bonded labour, etc.)
  • under observation of safety and health of the workers;
  • are traceable with the software Tracing Fair Stone
  • under consideration of environmental issues.

Besides the formal certification above, an audit is conducted yearly by our customers to ensure compliance. To learn more on what the audit covers, click here

Click here to download Fair Stone Certification

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